PCOS/ PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian syndrome) is one of the most common female endocrine hormonal disorders, affecting up to 20% of women in their reproductive age, which leads to primary or secondary infertility. PCOS in Ayurveda was correlated with Aarthava Kshaya.

PCOD is a condition in which the ovaries produce high amounts of androgens (male hormones), particularly testosterone resulting in high levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) and low levels of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)  prevents follicles from producing a mature egg leading to anovulatory cycles and irregular menstruation.

Causes of PCOS/PCOD

The exact cause of PCOS/PCOD is unknown but it may be relating to abnormal hormone levels.
Symptoms of PCOS/PCOD
Secondary Disorders Developing Due to PCOS